About us


Our mission is development of techniques and approaches  capable of tackling the problem of data and information overload, a common problem for the most of the scientific disciplines and contemporary technology environments. Our techniques and approaches encompass the blend of signal processing, machine learning data mining, with modern programming paradigms, knowledge acquisition and representation technologies. Main application disciplines include biomedical engineering, biology (genomics/proteomics), and inteligent instrumentation and process modelling. Participation in graduate and postgraduate education also plays an important role in our activities.


Become a local leader in development and application of inteligent signal, data, information and knowledge processing technologies enabling scientific research and diverse industrial and technological applications.

Contact us


Division of electronics
Bijenicka 54
Rudjer Boskovic Institute
10000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 1 4560 956 
Fax:  +385 1 4680 114

